Related Searches: Fracturing chemical mixer truck | Frac Chemical Unit
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Chemical Unit

Fracturing chemical mixer truck is a kind of mobile agitation equipment which can be independently used for oil/gas/petroleum exploitation. It can effectively solve problems arising in fracturing, such as undermixing of fracturing-use liquid (for example, the additives are undissolved and covered by water). This frac chemical unit can be used for different kinds of fluids, cement and acid. It includes power system, power material measuring system, manifold system, liquid additive system, mixing system, etc.


1. Fracturing chemical mixer truck maintains homogenous slurry of proppants
2. It can keep solid materials in suspension.
3. Less energy is used than that by mechanical mixers.
4. Speed & power adapts to a variety of fluids.
5. This unit helps scour the tank bottom during cleaning
6. Vertical circulation can be created immediately in tanks
7. Extra internal motor supports are unnecessary.
8. Fracturing chemical mixer truck can mix liquids with large ratio of solids & high viscosities
9. It can work at any liquid level in the tank.
10. It can fast achieve desired mixing target.


8 m3 Fracturing Chemical Mixer Truck
Beiben 8 × 4/8 × 8 Optional: BENZ/MAN
Deck Engine
Cummins KTA19
Transfer Case
Suction Pump
5 × 4 × 14 Centrifugal Pump
Discharge Pump
8 × 6 × 14 Centrifugal Pump
Mixing Tank
10 m3
Power Material Tank
2.5 m3
Weight of Whole Unit
27930 kg
11600 mm ×2500 mm×4000 mm
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